The best company exporting shrimp to China in Iran

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The export of shrimp to China, France, and Russia was worth about 8 million dollars. Shrimp is one of the most important fish in the food chain. Like other fish, shrimp is rich in calcium, iodine, and protein. The shrimp caught by the dried fish processing company. It is caught by the company's barges from the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman and transported to the coast and the dry fish processing company, and in the company by experts and advanced devices, depending on whether it is processed or transferred to the consumption market in a fresh form. The dried fish processing company sorts them according to the type of caught shrimps and sends the shrimps to the market for different uses. Currently, the dried fish company supplies more than seventy percent of the first grade shrimp to the domestic market. In addition to supplying hair in the domestic market, the dried fish processing company also prepares shrimp for export. In terms of shape and properties, export shrimp are no different from normal shrimp, but they are different in terms of size, and export shrimp are bigger in size.
In order to know the purchase price of shrimp, the daily price of fish and aquatic animals, etc., various websites list these products daily. Of course, the price of exported shrimp is very different from that of domestically consumed shrimp, so that the price of each kilogram of exported shrimp is more than 4.5 to 6 dollars per year.
 exporting shrimp to China

The best producer of aquatic species in the country
China is known as one of the most important sources of Iran's seafood exports. If we look at Iran's seafood export statistics a few years ago, the share of this country and other countries in the Southeast Asian region is very small, but China's share is gradually increasing and Europe's share is increasing. and the UAE decreased. Except for a small part of non-macol types of aquatics that are sent directly to China, more than eighty percent of our exports to China pass through the gate of Haiphong Free Port in the West Nan country, and the amount that is actually sold to Vietnamese buyers. is very little. The history of Iran's aquatic exports to China goes back to previous years, but it has entered a new stage since about a decade ago, and especially in the last five years, it has rapidly increased.
Company exporting shrimp to China in Iran
Iran is one of the shrimp breeders in the world, which accounts for the largest amount of shrimp exports. Iran's farmed shrimp has many customers all over the world due to its high properties and superior quality. Exporting shrimp to China is one of the target countries for shrimp export, and every year large quantities are sent to China.

To send and export shrimp to China, you need to know the conditions and rules, and it is possible through shrimp exporting companies. Export of shrimp in Iran is done through Varna Tejarat Eurasia Export Company.

If you want to export shrimp to China, it is recommended to contact the best shrimp exporting company, Varna Tejarat Eurasia, before taking any action.

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